The Bur flower or Kadamba, scientifically known as Neolamarckia cadamba, is a large evergreen tree with beautiful and distinctive flowers. It is a fast-growing tree with a large crown and is carefully planted near the temple. It is one of the most important medicinal plants of the Rubiaceae family and is native to South and Southeast Asia and is present in various regions from Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar, Papua New Guinea and Australia. May is also known as the maple tree because it is the month when Kadamba bears fruit. Besides the Kadamba tree, it is also known as Burflower, laran, kadam, White jabon, Wild chichona.

Description :
     Kadamba is an evergreen tropical tree that can reach 45 meters in height. A large tree with a wide crown and straight cylindrical trunks. The plant is fast-growing, branching and rapidly growing in the first 6-8 years. The diameter of the body is 100-160 cm, but it is usually smaller. The skin is dark brown, rough, often vertically fissured and peels off into fine flakes. The leaves are bright green, rich in contrast, simple, somewhat stationary, oval to oval, 30 cm long and 10-15 cm wide, with prominent veins. Flowering usually begins at about 4-4 years. The fragrant Kadamba flowers are orange-red, with a dense rounded edge, about 5.5 cm in diameter. The fruits are spherical and hard up to about 8,000 seeds, turning green when young and yellow when ripe. Seeds are triangular or irregular in shape.


Nutrition :

In 1 Kadamba Fruit Contain:

  • Moisture : 75% -80%
  • Fat : 1.79% -2.39%
  • Protein : 1.74% -2.11%
  • Ash : 1.31% -1.46%

Minerals :

  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Sodium
  • Manganese
  • Iron


Benefits : 

Anti-Diabetic Activity :
     Frequent consumption of Kadamba is very beneficial for diabetics. It is a metabolic disorder characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism and elevated blood sugar levels because the pancreas produces reduced insulin production or the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin. Due to these abnormalities, carbohydrates consumed by a person are not metabolized, resulting in hyperglycemia.

Anti-Cancer Properties :

     Kadamba has important anti-cancer properties. It is used to treat different types of cancer, includingprostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, and esophageal cancer. These abnormal cells spread to surrounding healthy tissue and spread cancer. Kadamba can treat disease by stopping the growth of cancer cells. It also prevents spread. It contains several biologically active compounds that have similar effects to chemotherapeutic agents.

Fungal Infections :
    Kadamba has a strong antifungal effect. It can be used to treat fungal infections of the skin and ears. Extracts from the leaves and bark of this plant have antifungal properties that help kill the fungus. It can also be used to treat infections caused by various fungi, such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus.

Musculoskeletal Disorders :
     Kadampa is very useful for treating joint and muscle disorders such as osteoarthritis, muscle stiffness and arthritis. It acts as a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Contains flavonoids such as quercetin, dididine, silymarin, apigenin and genistein to relieve pain and stiffness caused by musculoskeletal disorders. Kadamba prevents inflammation, age-related fatigue, and prevents the progression of joint disease. Kadamba's active ingredients reduce joint swelling and promote movement.

Antibacterial Effect :
     Kadamba can be used to treat bacterial infections. It helps treat infections of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, bones, eyes, and ears. The aqueous extract of kadamba fruit has significant antibacterial activity against microbial communities such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

High Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels :

     Kadampa is used to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides cause plaque to build up on the lining of blood vessels, narrowing them. As a result, blood flow to vital organs like the heart and brain is blocked, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Fight Parasite :
    This herb is effective in fighting various parasitic infections such as roundworms, tapeworms, acupuncture and sinus worms. Parasitic infections are the result of unhealthy habits and eating contaminated food. Regular use of the Kadamba can increase a person's immunity and prevent recurrent parasitic infections. It also helps relieve symptoms of these infections, such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

Gastrointestinal Disorders :
    Kadamba can be used to treat symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as loose motion, abdominal cramps, and vomiting.

Uses :

  • Apply Kadamba leaf paste to wounds and affected areas to relieve local pain and inflammation.
  • Neolamersia kadamba skin is used to wash damaged wounds.
  • The bark of the plant is used as a mouthwash to treat ulcer pain and periodontitis.
  • Kadamba 30-40ml capsules are used to treat diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • To treat nausea and vomiting, a sweetener is applied to the bark 5 to 6 times.
  • Kadamba juice in a capacity of 40-50 ml is used to treat excessive sweating, thirst and burning sensations in the body and roots.

  • Neolamersia kadamba is used for the treatment of urinary tract infections and kidney stones in a dose of 30-40 ml.
  • Fresh fruit juice is beneficial for breastfeeding women.
  • A paste made from the stem and leaf bark of the Kadamba dynasty helps to treat the pain, redness and itching caused by insect bites.
  • It is useful for urinary tract diseases such as incontinence, urolithiasis and diabetes.
  • In Ayurveda medicine, the bark and roots are used as an anti-fever, muscle cramps, body aches, heartburn, poisoning, female problems, cough, edema and as an anti-herpes drug.