Ber or Jujube are sweet, sour fruits that remind you of your school days when bought from an off-school greengrocer, and are known for their special nibble love. It is found mainly in India in the spring and is widely cultivated in tropical countries such as Africa, India, China and Australia. This miracle

fruit has great nutritional benefits along with numerous health benefits. Alfalfa has long been known as a calendula destroyer. Jujube, plum, red jujube, plum, Chinese apple, sauce, Chinese jujube, Korean jujube, Indian jujube, etc. are known all over the world. Regu Chettu in Telugu, Ilandai in Tamil, Bor Hannu in Canada, Ajpriya, Kola, Badri in Sanskrit. Trace the history of plum blossoms through the Odessa Classics, a 6th-century BC Chinese poetry collection It has been valued as a medicinal plant in China and South Asia for at least 2,500 years.
     Jujube or Ber belongs to the family Rhamnaceae. The fruits vary in size and shape, oval, oblong, round, and have holes in the seeds. The flesh is white and crispy, the fresh fruit is rich in flavor, and the skin is smooth and shiny. Fruit of some western deserts of India, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf. Ripe fruits are dark red or purple and may appear slightly wrinkled, like ripe dates. These fruits can be pickled raw and eaten as candy or prepared for sweet and exquisite desserts. The fresh fruit in the cup is roasted along with the rubbing process. Ripe fruits are stored in the sun and during the off-season.

Nutrition :

Per 100gm Serving Of Jujube Fruit :

  • Calories : 79
  • Protein : 1gm
  • Carbs : 20gm
  • Fiber : 10gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc

Benefits :

Rich In Antioxidants :
     Jujube fruits are rich in many antioxidants, mainly flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpene acids. It also contains large amounts of vitamin C, which also acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent and repair damage caused by excess free radicals. Free radical damage is considered a major factor in many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Because antioxidants can fight free radicals, they have many health benefits, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Animal studies have shown that the antioxidant effects of prune flavonoids help reduce stress and inflammation caused by free radical damage in the liver. In fact, most of the benefits of jujube are due to their antioxidant properties, which can improve sleep and brain function.
Improve Sleep & Brain Function :
     Jujubes are widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep quality and brain function. A new study suggests that unique antioxidants may influence these effects. Jujube fruit and grain extracts have been shown to improve sleep time and quality in rats and are widely prescribed by doctors as alternative medicines to reduce anxiety. Coronary studies suggest that it may improve memory and protect brain cells from damage caused by nerve-damaging compounds, and a study in rats suggests that date seed extract may treat dementia and sexual intercourse. However, the seeds are not commonly consumed, and more human studies are needed to fully understand the effects of jujube extract on the brain and nervous system.

Boost Immunity & Fight Cancer Cells :

     Jujubes can boost the body's immunity and fight against the growth of cancer cells. In vitro studies have shown that berry polysaccharides, a natural antioxidant sugar, can inhibit free radicals, neutralize harmful cells and reduce inflammation.  Inflammation and low levels of free radicals may help prevent chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, and in another study, the antioxidant fiber dates were found to

stimulate the production of immune cells and increase the number of cells, which is harmful . It was destroyed and disabled. In a rat study, jujube extract stimulates immune cells called natural killer cells that can kill harmful invading cells, and jujube fruit is also rich in vitamin C, which is believed to reduce inflammation. This is a powerful cancer. High-dose vitamin C injections kill thyroid cancer cells. Additionally, laboratory studies have shown that jujube extract kills several types of cancer cells, including cancer cells in the ovaries, cervix, breast, liver, colon, and skin. Researchers attribute these benefits primarily to the antioxidants found in fruits. However, since most of these studies are performed in animals or in vitro, more human studies are needed to draw firm conclusions.

Improved Digestion :
     The high fiber content of dates helps improve digestion. About 50% of fruit carbohydrates are derived from fiber and are known to have beneficial effects on the digestive system. This nutrient softens the stool and provides more volume. As a result, it increases the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and reduces constipation. Jujube extract may also help strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines and reduce the risk of ulcers, infections, and harmful bacteria. In one study, date polysaccharide extract strengthened the intestinal lining and improved gastrointestinal symptoms in rats with colitis. bacteria.

 Heart Health : 

     Jujubes are one of the best fruits with heart-healthy nutrients and are known to improve heart health and function. It is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which helps to relax blood vessels and regulate blood pressure. The fruit also acts as a powerful anti-atherosclerotic agent, preventing fat from clogging your arteries. Also, the fiber-rich jujube helps retain fat and reduces the risk of heart disease. 


Promote Blood Circulation :
     Good blood circulation means that all vital organs receive enough oxygen and feel energy. These minerals are rich in potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc and help maintain heart health. The regular version of dates is a great way to replenish iron, improve hemoglobin levels, and regulate blood flow in the body.

Fighting Alzheimer's :
     Research shows that berry may help treat Alzheimer's by fighting cell loss and improving cognitive function in the brain. Plums can be a great addition to the diet of people with dementia and neurodegenerative diseases, and may increase memory.

Fighting Stress and Anxiety :
     If you're feeling stressed or depressed, eat a handful of jujube as a snack that can calm your brain and nervous system. It is appreciated in traditional medicine as a natural remedy to treat symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Also, the soothing properties of dates help to balance the hormone cortisol and calm the mind and body.

Bone Health :
    Jujube fruit extract and seed oil are very popular among the elderly and people with osteoarthritis and help relieve joint pain. Thanks to bone-strengthening minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), connective tissue improves bone health and mobility along with endurance.

Helps Lose Weight :
     Advisory is rich in fiber and protein, which makes you feel full, slows digestion and inhibits weight loss. Jujube are low in calories and carbohydrates and have no fat at all. This concentrated fruit can be eaten as a healthy snack to relieve hunger in your diet and satisfy your sweet cravings.

Purifies The Blood :
     Rich in antioxidants such as date saponins and alkaloids, they help remove toxins from the blood. Jujube fruit extract is full of powerful nutrients that help flush out harmful toxins from the body, fight infections and reduce the risk of certain blood-related diseases.

Glowing Skin:
     Jujubes are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that fight free radicals, prevent oxidation of healthy skin cells, and reverse the effects of aging. Packed with nutrients that condition a variety of skin types, Advisory treats acne, acne, scars and brightens the skin for a radiant, flawless look. It also delays premature aging, smoothes wrinkles and improves natural skin and radiance. Jujubes have also been shown to treat skin problems like eczema and psoriasis and prevent the spread of skin cancer.

Hair Growth Properties :
     Jujube seed oil is blended with a carrier oil such as coconut and used regularly to promote faster hair growth and prevent hair loss.