Jackfruit is a unique tropical fruit that has gained in popularity in recent years. It has a characteristic sweet taste and can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. It is also very nutritious and can have several health benefits. Jackfruit is an exotic fruit grown in tropical regions of the world. It comes from South India. It is part of the Moraceae family of plants, which also includes fig, mulberry and jackfruit. The jackfruit has a spiky outer skin and is green or yellow in color. One of the unique aspects of jackfruit is its unusually large size.
     It is the largest fruit tree in the world and can weigh up to 80 pounds (35 kg). Jackfruit has a subtle sweet and fruity flavor. It is said to taste similar to a combination of fruits, including apples, pineapples, mangoes, and bananas. Vegans and vegetarians often use this fruit as a meat substitute because of its texture, which is comparable to minced meat. Because jackfruit can withstand tropical climates, it can be a major source of calories and carbohydrates for people in developing countries at risk of starvation. Although jackfruit is grown in tropical areas, it is becoming more widely available in other parts of the world, including the US. It is high season during the summer. The most commonly consumed part of jackfruit is the flesh or pods, which are edible both when ripe and when they are not ripe. It can be used in sweet and savory dishes, including desserts and curries. The seeds are also safe to eat.

Nutrition :
A One Cup Of Slice Fruit Contain :

  • Calories : 155
  • Carbs : 40g
  • Protein : 3g
  • Fiber : 3g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Riboflavin
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese 


Benefits :
Blood Sugar Control :
     Jackfruit has several properties that can help manage blood sugar levels. It has a fairly low glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how quickly your blood sugar rises after you eat a meal. This is attributed to the fiber it provides, which slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Diets high in low GI foods have been shown to help promote blood sugar control. Moreover, jackfruit provides some protein which may help prevent blood sugar levels from rising too quickly after a meal. One study found that adults consuming jackfruit extract significantly improved blood sugar levels. In addition, a study in diabetic mice found that jackfruit leaf extract helped lower fasting blood sugar and provided long-term blood sugar control. These effects have been attributed to the flavonoid content of jackfruit, which is known for its ability to promote balanced blood sugar levels. While the results of these studies are promising, more studies from people consuming fresh jackfruit are necessary to confirm these potential benefits.

Prevents Cancer :
     Jackfruit full of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamin C can help treat various types of cancer, such as lung, breast, stomach, skin, and prostate cancer. The wealth of beneficial phytochemicals such as flavonoids, saponins and tannins in jackfruit play a significant role in counteracting the effects of free radicals, combating oxidative stress, and preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Can Help Control Blood Sugar Levels :
     Being rich in dietary fiber and protein, adding unripe jackfruit to your diet plan can slow down gastric emptying time, delay digestion, and prevent blood sugar spikes. Ripe foods can sometimes be added in moderate amounts due to their high fiber content and ease of digestion, which helps promote blood sugar control.

Boosts Heart Health :
     Jackfruit is loaded with plenty of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants that are well known to improve heart health. While adding jackfruit seeds can help reduce bad LDL cholesterol and improve good HDL cholesterol. This prevents the build-up of plaque and fat in the heart vessels, soothes the heart muscle and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Controls Blood Pressure :

     Significant amounts of potassium in jackfruit maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, regulate the heart rate and counteract the effects of sodium, thus relieving tension in the blood vessels. Adding raw jackfruit is a healthy way to regulate high blood pressure and prevent the risk of other chronic diseases.

Helps Heal Wounds :
     The abundance of vitamin C, the powerful antioxidant found in jackfruit, plays a key role in boosting the immune system. While the body also needs adequate amounts of vitamin C to synthesize collagen, which is essential for maintaining the health of the skin, bones and connective tissue, and also speeds up the wound healing process. In addition, jackfruit's strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects can also aid wound healing.

Supports Digestive Health :

     Jackfruit, especially the seeds, is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber to stimulate the digestive process and prevent constipation. Besides, it also contains prebiotics that help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and prevent gastrointestinal problems.

Jackfruit Seeds : 

     Jackfruit seeds are blessed with a huge range of essential nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B1, B2, B5, B12 and the minerals iron, copper, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These peanut seeds contain powerful nutrients that are best known to promote optimal wellness and health. Add these seeds to your regular meal plan as boiled, baked, baked, or mixed with vegetables to make delicious dishes and maximize their benefits.

Benefits :
Cures Anemia :
     The treasury of minerals present in jackfruit seeds, essential iron helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin, increases iron levels and prevents anemia and other blood disorders. Include seeds in your regular meal plan to improve iron levels and manage anemia. 

Immunity Triggers :
     Jackfruit seeds exhibit powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties that help fight pathogens that cause infections and protect the body by building a strong immune system. In addition, packed with vitamin A and the bioactive jacalin compound, jackfruit seeds have proven to fight HIV strain and enhance the immune response.

Strengthens The Skin :
     Gifted with an impressive profile of nutrients such as vitamins C, A, antioxidants and other minerals, these seeds protect the skin from harmful UV rays, slow down the signs of aging, remove wrinkles, spots, dark circles and fine lines. It also helps in the production of collagen, which increases the elasticity of the skin and keeps the skin radiant and blemish-free.

Healthy Hair :

     The seed powder is also valuable for improving hair health as it works against scalp irritation, inflammation, and dandruff. It also enriches the hair follicles, improves blood flow and strengthens the hair follicles from the inside, thus supporting the growth of a stronger and shiny mane.

Better Eyesight :
     The rich variety of eye-friendly nutrients such as Vitamin A, the antioxidants present in jackfruit seeds are extremely valuable for improving vision and preventing eye diseases such as night blindness and xerophthalmia.