Honeydew melons are large, oval shaped melons with a smooth skin and a pale center. Contrary to the name, honeydew melons are not loaded with sugar. If you're concerned about the carbohydrate count in this sweet melon flavor, remember that honeydew has a high percentage of water that dilutes their natural sugars. Honeydew melons also provide some fiber and several essential micronutrients, including vitamin C and potassium. 


Nutrition :
1Cup Of Balled Honeydew Melon Contain (Appr. 177g) :

  • Calories : 64
  • Fat :0.3g
  • Sodium : 32g
  • Fiber : 1.4g
  • Carbs : 16g
  • Sugar : 14g
  • Protein : 1g

Vitamin & Mineral :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin K
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Benefits : 

Prevents Dehydration :

     One cup (177 g) of honeydew ball contains 159 grams of water. Water makes up almost 90% of the melon's weight. In addition to drinking enough fluids, the water in the fruit and vegetables you eat will contribute to your overall hydration. As the honeydew melon occurs in season in the warmer months, it is the perfect summer treat to promote good hydration.

Supports Heart Health :

    Low sodium and high potassium in fruits such as honeydew melon is an effective combination to help prevent high blood pressure. Additionally, the honeydew melon is a source of folate and other B vitamins that help lower levels of homocysteine, a key marker of inflammation. As a result, adequate folate intake is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. No wonder eating patterns rich in fruits and vegetables are known to prevent heart disease.


Manage Diabetes :
     Fortunately, fresh fruits, such as honeydew melon, are associated with improved blood sugar control despite their natural sugar content. The fiber and water in the honeydew melons prevent them from causing large spikes in blood sugar levels. In fact, a 2017 study from China analyzed the medical records of 482,591 adults between 2004 and 2008. The researchers concluded that eating fruit daily was associated with a 12% reduction in diabetes risk compared with those who never or rarely ate fruit. In people who reported diabetes, eating fruit longer than 3 days a week was associated with a 13% to 28% lower risk of developing complications related to diabetes such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, eye disease, and nervous system disease. This lower risk was compared with those who ate fruit less than one day a week. The misconception that fresh fruit is too sweet for people with diabetes can do more harm than good in coping with the disease.

Supports Skin Repair :
     The vitamin C in honeydew melons supports the production of collagen, the main structural protein needed to repair skin tissue. A cup of honeydew melon provides 32 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 36% of the daily value established by the Food and Drug Administration. Since our body is unable to produce vitamin C, receiving a regular supply by consuming fresh fruit and vegetables is crucial. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports health from within.

Protects Eyesight :
     The effects of aging and exposure to sunlight can lead to eye problems including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. This progressive damage to the delicate tissues of the eye causes blindness over time. Honeydew melon contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are strong defenders against blindness. These antioxidants protect eyesight and reduce the impact of environmental damage.

Essential For Bone Health :

     The honeydew melon contains several nutrients that are essential to repair and maintain strong bones, including folic acid, vitamin K, and magnesium. Melon, in particular, is a good source of folate - 1 cup (177 grams) provides 8% of folic acid needed for the breakdown of homocysteine ​​- elevated levels of which have been associated with decreased bone mineral density over time. However, more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions about the link between folate and bone health, eating foods that contain folic acid, such as hepatitis, can promote healthy bones, ensuring that homocysteine ​​levels are kept within the normal range. Vitamin K is involved in the production of the main structural bone protein known as osteocalcin. Therefore, adequate vitamin K intake is essential for healthy bones.
     A serving of honeydew provides 6% of the RDI of this vitamin. Additionally, one serving of honeydew meets about 4% of the daily magnesium requirement. The cells responsible for building and breaking down bone tissue need magnesium to function properly. So, magnesium is another nutrient essential for bone health. Honeydew also contains small amounts of other bone support nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. Although these nutrients are not highly concentrated in honeydew, adding fruit to your diet can still support bone health when combined with a balanced diet that includes many other nutrient-rich foods.

Lower Your Blood Pressure :
     Overall, a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. More specifically, it is well known that a low sodium diet and adequate potassium intake can positively influence blood pressure regulation. Since the honeydew melon is a fruit low in sodium and potassium, it can help maintain normal blood pressure. If you want to increase your potassium intake, try adding a decrease to your diet. It's a good source of potassium and per 1 cup (177 grams) provides 12% of the RDI.

Boost Your Immune System :
     Vitamin C is perhaps best known for its role in supporting immune function, and the honeydew melon is loaded with it. The human immune system is complex and requires a wide variety of nutrients to function properly - vitamin C is a key ingredient Research suggests that adequate dietary intake of vitamin C can both prevent and treat various respiratory and systemic infections such as pneumonia and the common cold . One cup (177 grams) of honeydew provides over half the RDI for vitamin C, making it a great food to add to your diet in preparation for this year's cool season