The taste of honey berries is very difficult to describe, so it's best to say that it is simply a "mystery berry", reminiscent of some blackberries, cherries, and even grapes or kiwi. With a very thin skin, the spicy berries melt in your mouth! These healthy berries can be eaten straight from the bush or used fresh or frozen in your favorite berry recipe.
     Commercially sold honey bushes typically grow 3 to 8 feet tall, with oblong berries ½ - 1 inch or more depending on the variety. A member of the honeysuckle family, the honey shrub (Lonicera caerulea) grows around the polar in the northern hemisphere. They are known as zhimolost in Russia, haskap berries in Japan and honey berries in the USA! Some refer to the Japanese varieties as haskap and the Russian ones to honey. Edible Blue Honeysuckle is an apt way to relate to the species in general!


Nutrition :

100gm serving of honeyberry :

  • Water : 82.7g
  • Protein : 1.6g
  • Fat : 1.6g
  • Fiber : 6.7g

Vitamin & Mineral :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc


Benefits :

Anti-Inflammatory Properties :
     A growing body of evidence indicates that anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting that foods and supplements that contain anthocyanins may help prevent or combat certain inflammatory conditions such as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and rheumatoid arthritis. The study, published in the June issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology, specifically looked at the effects of anthocyanin-rich blueberry berry extract on human gingival fibroblasts. The extract was found to be able to alleviate the inflammatory process that can lead to periodontal disease such as gingivitis.

Good For The Eyes :

     You may have heard that blueberries (wild blueberries) are good for your eyes, but other anthocyanin-rich foods, such as blue honey berries, can also help keep your eyes healthy. A growing body of evidence suggests that anthocyanins may benefit vision in many ways, including by increasing circulation in the retinal capillaries, improving night vision, fighting macular degeneration, and preventing retinopathy in diabetic patients. Moreover, a study published in the May issue of Experimental Eye Research found that honeysuckle extract relieved inflammation in the eyes of rats with experimentally induced uveitis. Uveitis, the leading cause of visual impairment in Britain and the United States, is an inflammatory eye disease that causes swelling and destroys eye tissue.

Colon Cancer Cell Inhibitory Effect :

     A group of scientists from the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Maryland analyzed the chemopreventive effects of natural anthocyanin extracts on colon cancer cells and found that all tested anthocyanin extracts inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells.

Cardiovascular Benefit :
     Adding anthocyanin-rich berries, such as blue honey berries, can be a good start. Anthocyanins can help maintain healthy veins by neutralizing enzymes that destroy connective tissue, repairing damaged proteins in blood vessel walls, and promoting healthy circulation. As an added bonus, honeysuckle berries contain high levels of chlorogenic acid, a phytochemical that can provide additional vascular benefits by controlling blood pressure.

Low In Calories But Rich In Nutrients :
     Moreover, honey berries are among the most nutritious berries, with one serving containing 4 grams of fiber, 24% vitamin C, 25% manganese, and 36% vitamin K. it contains about 84% water a whole cup contains 85 calories with 15 grams of carbohydrates, making it an excellent source of several important nutrients.

Rich In Antioxidants :
     In addition, antioxidants protect our body from the damaging effects of free radicals and unstable molecules that can cause cell damage, rapid aging, and life-threatening diseases such as cancer. They are believed to be one of the largest antioxidant carriers. They are responsible for the direct increase in antioxidants in our body.

Lowers Blood Pressure :
     High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of many diseases. And apparently, Kamchatka berries appear to have significant benefits for people with high blood pressure. One study on obese people found a 6-7 percent reduction in blood pressure after consuming 50 grams of haskap berries for eight weeks.

May Help Improve Brain Function :
     Oxidative stress causes the aging of the brain and can have a negative effect on brain function. The antioxidants present in haskap berries tend to stimulate areas of the brain that are important for intelligence. Hence, these antioxidants directly interact with aging neurons, leading to improved cell function.

Anti-Diabetic Effect :

     Several studies have shown that honey berries have an anti-diabetic effect. Bioactive compounds contained in honey berries eliminate the negative impact on sugar, which leads to the maintenance of blood sugar levels. The anthocyanins present in honey berries have a beneficial effect on insulin and glucose sensitivity. Consuming a honeycomb smoothie can significantly improve your insulin sensitivity and lower your blood sugar levels.
Urinary Tract Infections :
     Like blueberries, honeyberries contain substances that can prevent bacteria from binding to the walls of the bladder. These infections are a very common problem in women, and honey berries can be useful in preventing these types of infections.