Description :


     Gooseberries are small, nutritious fruits that offer many health benefits. The most popular varieties are the European and American varieties - Ribes uva-crispa and Ribes hirtellum, respectively. Both are closely related to the black, red, and white currants. The fruits of the gooseberry bush are small, weighing approximately 0.1-0.2 ounces (3-6 grams) each. They vary in color and can be green, yellow and white, pink, red or dark purple. Their taste ranges from tart to sweet


Nutrition :

150gm Goosberry Contains:

  • Calories : 66
  • Protein : 1g
  • Fat : Less Than 1g
  • Carbs : 15g
  • Fiber : 7g

Vitamin & Mineral :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Calcium


Benefits :

Rich In Antioxidants :
     Antioxidants are compounds that help fight the effects of free radicals. They are molecules that damage cells and lead to a process called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with many diseases and aging. Foods high in antioxidants are thought to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, aging, and protect your brain from debilitating diseases. Gooseberries are a great source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, low vitamin E and phytonutrients. Plants produce phytonutrients to stay healthy and protect against sun and insect damage.

Remains in phytonutrients and gooseberries include: flavonols. These have been linked to heart health and may have anti-inflammatory, cancer, and reducing stroke. The main types of gooseberries are quercetin, myricetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin.
     Anthocyanins. These compounds are the color of the fruit but they are associated with poor eyesight and urinary tract, good storage, aging health, as well as a lower risk of certain cancers.
     Aromatic acid. In gooseberries, these include caffeic, chlorogenic, coumaric, hydroxybenzoic and ellagic acid. Organic acids. They are responsible for the sweetness of the fruit and the reduction of your risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Control Of Blood Sugar :
     High blood sugar is associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, stroke, and many other diseases. Gooseberries contain many substances that can help control blood sugar. First, they are high in fiber, which prevents you from putting sugar into your bloodstream, preventing blood spikes. In addition, test-tubes show that gooseberry extract is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. This means it binds to special enzymes in your small intestine, preventing them from transporting sugar from your gut into your bloodstream. Finally, gooseberries contain chlorogenic acid, which can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and help reduce blood sugar when food starch is high. result, further research on the effect of gooseberries on blood sugar is important.

Protect Your Brain :
     Linked certain brain diseases cause brain activity associated with excessive iron. High levels of iron can promote the creation of free radicals, cells that damage your cells. Your brain cells are especially rich in iron, which makes them more destructive. Gooseberries are a natural source of acidic water, providing 11-14 mg of citric acid and 100 mg of fruit. Citric acid inhibits iron deficiency and reduces the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and stroke if taken regularly. Antioxidants and phytonutrients in gooseberries are believed to be beneficial for age-related brain disease and reduce the risk of stroke. Need to further research.

Good For Your Heart :
     Eating a high-fat diet and fruits like nuts is associated with less risk of heart disease. Gooseberries contain many nutrients that support heart health, including antioxidants and potassium. Antioxidants improve heart health by preventing oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood, a process that
increases your chances for heart disease. In addition, phytonutrients such as flavonols and anthocyanins help reduce high blood pressure and improve blood vessel function, which can reduce your chances for heart disease. Finally, potassium is essential for good blood vessels. health. It helps maintain heart rate and blood pressure and affects the risk of heart disease and stroke

Better Nutrition :
     The fiber in Gooseberry helps the body regulate gastrointestinal movements and can help reduce the symptoms of conditions such as poor bowel disease. High in vitamin C  help your body absorb more nutrients, so it can be helpful if you are taking iron in addition to other minerals.

Healthy Eyes :
     Gooseberries are rich in vitamin A, which is necessary to improve health. Vitamin A not only improves vision, but can also reduce the risk of age-related stress. Vitamin C in Gooseberry helps to strengthen the body by fighting bacteria, which can help protect your eyes from conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other diseases.

Control Diabetes :
     Soluble fiber and gooseberries break down quickly in the body, which helps reduce the amount of sugar your body absorbs. This can help reduce spikes in blood sugar. Gooseberries also have a positive effect on blood sugar and high blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes.