Cranberries are a popular super food. People can eat them as sauces or juices. You can also add them to toppings, stews or desserts. These very nutritious berries are also a staple of Thanksgiving dinner.
Cranberries are small, hard, round, red fruits with a taste that many describe as each sour and sour. They grow on vines in freshwater bogs, frequently with inside the northern United States and southern Canada. They're related to blueberries and wintergreen.

     Cranberries are local to North America. They now grow on around 58,000 acres of farmland throughout the northern United States, Chile, and Canada.


Description :

     Cranberries are small, hard, spherical, red fruits with a flavor that several describe as each bitter associated sour. They grow on vines in fresh bogs, principally within the northern united states and southern Canada. They're involving blueberries and wintergreen.The stems of cranberry plants are lean and creeping. The leaves are evergreen, oval or elliptical, and fewer than 1.2 cm (0.5 inch) long. Small, bulging flowers seem in June and have a four-lobed rose-tinted corolla. The round crimson berries, that ripen in September, are concerning the dimensions of currants and are usually spotted; they need an acid taste. False-blossom virus and numerous forms of fruit rot are the most diseases touching cranberry plants. business vines are shielded from frost by flooding.


Production :

     In 2019, world production of cranberry was 687,534 tonnes, principally by the United States, Canada, and Chile, that jointly accounted for 97% of the world total (table). Wisconsin (65% of us production) and Quebec were the 2 largest regional producers of cranberries in North America. Cranberries also are a significant industrial crop in Massachusetts (23% of us production), New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington, in addition as within the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario, nova Scotia, prince edward Island, and Newfoundland.


Nutrition : 

     Raw cranberries are 87% water, 12% carbohydrates, and contain negligible protein and fat. in a very 100 gram reference amount, raw cranberries provide 46 calories and moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and therefore the essential dietary mineral manganese, every with quite 10% of its Daily Value. alternative micronutrients have low content.

     Dried cranberries are ordinarily methoded with up to 10 times their natural sugar content. The drying process also eliminates vitamin C content.

A cup of raw cranberries contains :

  • 46 calories
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 12 grams of carbohydrates
  • 4 grams of fiber
  • 4 grams of sugar
  • 1 gram of protein
  • 2 milligrams of sodium

A quarter-cup of dried fruit contains :

  • 92 calories
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 25 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2 grams of fiber
  • 22 grams of sugar
  • 0 grams of protein
  • 2 milligrams of sodium

For vitamins and nutrients, one cup of raw fruit has :

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin K
  • vitamins B1
  • vitamin B2
  • vitamin B3
  • vitamin E
  • potassium
  • iron
  • calcium
  • manganese
  • copper
  • sodium
  • zinc

Cranberries also have these antioxidants :

  • Quercetin
  • Myricetin
  • Peonidin
  • Ursolic acid
  • A-type proanthocyanidins


Products :
     As fresh cranberries are hard, sour, and bitter, regarding 95% of cranberries are processed and accustomed create cranberry juice and sauce. they're additionally sold  dried and sweetened. Cranberry juice is sometimes sweetened or integrated with alternative fruit juices to reduce its natural tartness. At one teaspoon of sugar per ounce, cranberry juice cocktail is a lot of extremely sweetened than even soda drinks that are connected to obesity.

     Typically cranberries as fruit are cooked into a compote or jelly, referred to as cranberry sauce. Such preparations are historically served with roast turkey, as a staple of Thanksgiving (both in canada and within the United States) yet as English dinners. The berry is additionally used in baking (muffins, scones, cakes and breads). In baking it's often combined with orange or orange zest. Less commonly, cranberries are accustomed add tartness to savory dishes corresponding to soups and stews.

     Fresh cranberries is frozen at home, and can sustain to 9 months; they'll be used directly in recipes without thawing.
     There are many alcoholic cocktails, together with the Cosmopolitan, that include cranberry juice.


Benefits :

Prevention of abdomen Cancer and Ulcers : 

     Abdomen cancer could be a common reason for cancer-related death worldwide.
Infection by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is taken into account a serious cause of stomach cancer, stomach inflammation, and ulcers. Cranberries contain distinctive plant compounds called A-type proanthocyanidins, which can cut your risk of stomach cancer by preventing H. pylori from attaching to the liner of your stomach.

  • One study in 189 adults instructed that drinking 2.1 cups (500 ml) of cranberry juice daily may considerably reduce H. pylori infections.
  • Another study in 295 youngsters found that daily consumption of cranberry juice for three weeks suppressed the expansion of H. pylori in concerning 17% of these infected.

Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections :
     Urinary tract infections are one of the most common bacterial infections, especially in women, and are most commonly caused by the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) that attach to the inner surface of the bladder and urinary tract. Cranberries contain unique phytonutrients known as Type A proanthocyanidins, or condensed tannins. Fruit sources of proanthocyanidins, especially type A. Several human studies show that drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in both children and adults. Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes support these results, especially in women with recurrent urinary tract infections.In contrast, some studies have found no significant benefit. Not all cranberry products are effective against urinary tract infections. In fact, proanthocyanidins can be lost during processing, making them undetectable in many products. On the other hand, cranberry supplements that contain adequate amounts of Type A proanthocyanidins: can be a useful preventive strategy. If you suspect you may have a urinary tract infection, talk to your doctor. The main treatment should be antibiotics.
Remember that cranberries are not effective at treating infections. First of all, they just reduce the risk of getting them.

Heart Health :
     Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Cranberries contain several antioxidants that can be beneficial for your heart health. These include anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and quercetin. In human studies, cranberry juice or extracts have been shown to be beneficial for various risks of heart disease.

Cranberry Products Can Help By : 

  • Increasing your levels of lipoprotein (good) cholesterol.
  • Lowering levels of beta-lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol in people with diabetes.
  • Protective LDL (bad) cholesterol from chemical reaction.
  • Decreasing stiffness in blood vessels among people with cardiovascular disease.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Decreasing blood levels of homocysteine, therefore cutting your risk of inflammation in blood vessels.

Boosts Immune System :
     Consuming a few dried cranberries will provide ample vitamin C for the daily diet. Vitamin C not only functions in enhancing iron absorption for enhanced blood circulation, but also works to improve immunity by white blood cells in the system. In addition, vitamin C is obligatory for growth and development of all body tissues and a key antioxidant for removing toxins from the system.

Maintains Heart Health :
     Being intrinsically high in potassium levels, this dry fruit assists in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. It also functions in promoting cardiac muscle activity, lowers the amounts of bad LDL cholesterol and raises levels of good HDL cholesterol. Dried cranberry is very advantageous in preventing instances of heart attacks and stroke and thereby contributes to a longer and healthier lifespan.

Relaxes Muscle Cramps :
     Dried cranberry is bestowed with the key mineral for optimal muscle function – magnesium. The significantly high magnesium content in these dry fruits makes it an ideal option to provide relief from muscle sores and cramps. Moreover, post a high intensity workout, when muscles in the arms and legs are strained, eating a fistful of dried cranberries instantly alleviate symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Treats Constipation :
     Dried cranberry comprises valuable dietary fibers which ensure proper bowel movement upon ingestion of heavy meals. This is crucial to regulate kidney function and filter out all the toxic waste products upon digestion of food and assimilation of required nutrients. It also efficiently relieves intestinal conditions like constipation and indigestion.

Fortifies Bones :
     The calcium present in the dry cranberry fruit is absorbed by bones in the body, thereby helping to maintain optimal bone density for day-to-day functions and flexible, unobstructed movement. The very high potassium content in dried cranberries complements bone health by enhancing mineral uptake by cells and tissues in the body.

Helps Heal Anemia:
     Vitamin C also performs a very important function in the human body, which is to improve the absorption of iron from food. A deficiency in iron leads to a condition known as anemia, in which there is a lack of enough Red comes blood cells in the body to carry nutrients and oxygen to all cells and tissues. Eating these nuts ensures a wide absorption of iron from food in the body and promotes red blood cell synthesis and blood flow.

Reduces Skin Inflammation:
     Dried Cranberry contains several essential amino acids that help build healthy skin cells and also suppress redness and swelling that develops on skin exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Its high content of flavonoids offers antioxidant properties to help fight free radicals. It damages, diminishes acne, scars and dark spots and reduces skin irritation.

Offers Anti-Aging Benefits :

     Dried cranberries contain spermidine, which slows the aging process of skin cells. the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sunken skin. Eating the dried fruit or drinking the juice will also help boost the production of collagen, an essential protein for maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin's structure.

Side Effect :

     Cranberries and cranberry product are typically safe for many individuals if consumed in moderation. However, excessive consumption may cause dyspepsia and symptom — and will additionally increase the chance of urinary organ stones in susceptible individuals.

Kidney Stones :

  • Kidney stones kind once sure minerals in your water reach high concentrations. it's typically terribly painful.
  • You'll be able to minimize your risk through your diet.
  • Most kidney stones are product of metal salt, so excessive amounts of oxalate in your urine is one among the most risk factors.
  • Cranberries — particularly targeted cranberry extracts — may contain high levels of oxalates.
  • For this reason, they're thought-about a risk issue for urinary calculuss once consumed in high amounts.
  • However, human studies have provided conflicting results and also the issue needs more research.
  • Status to developing urinary organ stones varies between individuals. In most people, cranberries most likely don't considerably have an effect on kidney stone formation.
  • Still, if you're susceptible to obtaining kidney stones, it's going to be smart to limit your consumption of cranberries and alternative high-oxalate foods.