Coconut, fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree in the palm family (Arecaceae). Coconuts likely originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and are one of the most important crops in the tropics. dried or eaten fresh. The liquid from the nut is used in beverages.

Description :

     The arch is short, sloping, and the coconut tree rises to a height of about 25 meters (80 feet) from its head swell and is covered by a beautiful crown of large leaves. Fruits ripe, ovoid or ellipsoid in shape, 300 to 450 mm (12 to 18 inches) in length and 150 to 200 mm (6 to 8 inches) in diameter, with fibrous layers around the fruit the body bears a well-known fruit in trade. A hard shell covers the useless embryo with a large endosperm, containing flesh and water. Floating and wetlands and humans are scattered everywhere.
     Botanically, a coconut is a simple dry nut known as a fibrous drupe. Sheel, or mesocarp, has a core
called coir and has a inner stone. The solid endocarp of the stone, the exterior of the coconut to be sold in stores in non-tropical countries, has three germination pores (or stoma) that are visible on the outside as soon as it is removed shea. It is through one of them that the bundle emerges as the embryo develops. Herrapara on the inner wall of the endocarp is the testa, which has an albuminous endosperm ("flesh" of the coconut), the white part, the edible tissue of the seed. , known for its high fat content (NutritionData 2007). About 90 percent of coconut oil is saturated, with a higher percentage of foods such as lard, butter, and tallow. However, there has been some debate as to whether fats are better in fat than in other foods. Coconut oil also has less sugar and protein than popular fruits such as bananas, apples, and oranges, and is rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and zinc. This end is surrounded by a deep hole, full of air and often with a liquid called coconut water, so as not to be surprised by the coconut water. Coconut bread, also known as “santan” in Malaysia, is made by crushing the endosperm and
mixing it with salt water. White currant juice is used in many Asian foods, such as curry. Coconut water from unripe coconut water is often treated as a refreshing drink. These cocoons are called coconut milk. The water from the coconut water that flows is the endosperm fluid. It is soft (soft) that has an airy feel after fresh cutting. Depending on its size, soft coconut can hold 300 to 1,000 milliliters of liquid. It is known in Tamil / Malayalam / Kannada as "élaneer". When viewed from the end, the endocarp and germinating pore give the fruit a coconut (also Côca), a Portuguese word for the dreaded witch in Portuguese mythology, which appears to be a lamp . fruit (Figueiredo 1940). While the coconut is still green, its ends are thin and soft, and is often eaten as a snack. But the main reason for picking seeds at this time is to water it; one large seed holds about a liter. The flesh of this young coconut is sweeter and more like gelatin than ripe coconut, so it is sometimes called coconut jelly. When the palms of the hands and the outer skin become brown, a few months later, they fall into the palms of their hands. By this time, the albumen was strong and sturdy, while the coconut water had become bitter. When the fruit is still green, the bark is hard, but the fruit falls off only if they are carried. By the time the grain falls off, the skin has turned brown, the throat has become dry and tender, and the grain is rarely damaged when it falls. Still, there has been coconut poison falling from the palm tree and injuring the people, with death charges. Avocado poison is often compared to shark fights; it is often said that a cold winter is more likely to be fatal than fish. However, there is no clear evidence of killers in this way (Adams 2002). However, William Wyatt Gill, one of the first missionaries of the London Missionary Society in Mangaia, wrote the story of the green sun on Kaiara, Tetui's concubine. The injured palm is immediately cut off. It was 1777, during the visit of Captain Cook. In some parts of the world, macaques are bought to buy fish. Pigs training schools for pork — with impact still exist in southern Thailand and the Malaysian state of Kelantan. An annual competition is organized to find the fastest harvester.


Coconut Water :

     Coconut water is the endosperm fluid of young coconuts. When the coconut is ripe, this liquid is strongly absorbed by the pulp of the ripe coconut. Coconut water has long been a popular fresh or bottled drink in the tropics, especially in tropical Asia and Trinidad and Tobago. Naturally fat-free and contains very little energy (16.7 calories or 70 kJ per 100 g). Coconut water is used as an emergency infusion solution due to its sterility, pH, mineral and sugar content. Coconuts are packaged and sold in many places. Usually these are Thai coconuts, which have the outer green skin removed and the rest wrapped in plastic. Coconut water can also be found in regular cans or Tetra Pak (often with coconut paste or coconut jelly added). Due to its high potassium and mineral content, it is also marketed as a sports drink to help the body recover.

Nutrition :
In One Cup of Coconut Water (240g Serving) :

  • Calories: 46
  • Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 11%
  • Carbohydrates: 9g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Sugars: 9.6g
  • Protein: 2g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Copper


Benefits :

Antioxidant Properties :
     Free radicals are unstable molecules that form in cells during metabolic processes. Stress and trauma increase productivity. Too many free radicals can cause oxidative stress in the body, damage cells, and increase the risk of disease. A study of animals exposed to toxins found that coconut water contains antioxidants. It does no harm by converting free radicals.
One study found that mice with liver damage experienced a significant increase in oxidative stress when treated with coconut water compared to untreated mice. In another study, rats eating fructose were treated with coconut water. Reduces the activity of free radicals and also lowers blood pressure, triglycerides and insulin levels. To date, there are no studies examining the activity of this antioxidant in humans.

Beneficial In Diabetes :

     Studies have shown that coconut water can lower blood sugar and improve other health signs in diabetic animals. In one study, high levels of cocaine in coconut water improved blood sugar levels over a single control. rats given yogurt had low hemoglobin A1c levels, indicating good long-term blood sugar control.
     Studies are required to demonstrate human resources. However, with a gram of 3 gram and a dietary intake of only 6 grams per cup (240ml), coconut water may be easier for diet planning for people with diabetes. a good source of magnesium, which can stimulate insulin secretion and reduce blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Can Help Prevent Kidney Stones : 

    Sufficient enough nutrients are needed to prevent kidney stones. Although flat water is a great option,

studies suggest that coconut water may be better. Kidney stones are formed when calcium, oxalate, and other compounds form crystals in your urine, which can start to form stones. However, some people may develop them better than others. In experiments performed on rats with kidney stones, cold water prevented crystals from sticking to the kidneys and other urinary organs.
It reduces the number of crystals produced in the urine. Researchers believe that coconut water helps to reduce the production of free radicals in response to high levels of oxalate in the urine. Keep in mind that this is the first study to evaluate the effect of coconut water on kidney stones. Further research is needed in this area.

Good For Heart Health :
     Coconut water can help reduce the risk of heart disease. In one study, rats who ate coconut oil showed lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. They also saw a significant reduction in liver fat. In another study, the same team gave the same amount of food plus one dose (4 ml per 100 grams) of coconut water. After 45 days, a single liquid containing cholesterol and triglyceride decreases with the effect of a lowering cholesterol statin. Keep in mind that this is a great drug.
     In humans, that would be about 60 kilograms (91 kilograms) consuming 91k ounces (2.7 liters) of coconut water per day. Nonetheless, the finding that it lowers cholesterol as a risk factor will be further investigated.

Reduce Blood Pressure :

     Coconut water may be good for controlling high blood pressure. In a small study in people with high blood pressure, corticosteroids caused systolic hypertension (the highest proportion in high blood pressure reading) in 71% of participants. one large 600 mg of potassium in 8 ounces (240 ml).
Potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure in people with high or normal blood pressure. Furthermore, animal studies have shown that coconut water has anti-thrombotic activity, which means it can prevent blood clots from forming.

It Is Useful After A Long Workout :

     Aerobics can be a perfect fit to restore hydration and replenish lost electrolytes during exercise. Electrolytes are minerals that perform many important functions in your body, including maintaining a healthy water balance. They include potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium.
Two studies have found that coconut water restores hydration after exercise more than water and what it drinks sports high-intensity electrolyte sports. Participants also noted that cold water caused nausea and discomfort of the stomach. the most bloating and irritating stomach

Good Option When You're Dehydrate :
     Coconut water is very sweet and has an unmistakable flavor. It is also low in calories and carbohydrates. The water cools down if it comes out of the coconut. Just put some grass in the soft part of the coconut and start drinking. Store coconut in your refrigerator and eat it within two or three weeks of purchase.
Also you can also buy coconut milk at most grocery stores. Read the ingredients to check that you are getting 100% coconut water. Some of these ingredients are added in English to carry sugar or spices. This hot water can be used with smoothies, chia fruit pudding, salad dressing, or substituted for plain water whenever you want a little sweetness.


Coconut Milk :

    Coconut milk is a sweet milky culinary ingredient that is obtained from the pulp of a ripe coconut. Rich color and flavor of milk due to the high content of butter and sugar. Coconut milk is known as a tannery in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia and a toy in the Philippines. Not to be confused with coconut water. It is a natural liquid found in coconut.

Nutrition :

One Cup Of  Serving (240g)

  1. Calories: 552
  2. Fat: 57 grams
  3. Protein: 5 grams
  4. Carbs: 13 grams
  5. Fiber: 5 grams

Vitamin & Mineral :

  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Selenium


Benefits :

Effects on Weight Loss and Metabolism :
     There is some evidence that MCT fat in coconut milk may be beneficial for weight loss, body composition, and metabolism. Lauric acid makes up about 50% of coconut oil. It can be classified as a long-acting or neutral acid, as its length and metabolic effect are intermediate, but coconut oil also has 12% positive acids. , MCT passes directly from the digestive tract to your liver, where they are used for energy or ketone production. Most likely they will not be stored as fat. Studies also show that MCTs can help reduce appetite and calorie intake compared to other fats.
     In a small study, obese men ate 20 grams of MCT oil for breakfast and ate 272 fewer calories for lunch than those who ate corn oil. In addition, MCTs can burn calories and burn them, at least temporarily. However, the small MCTs found in cold water did not have a significant effect on body mass or metabolism. A few controlled studies on obese and cardiovascular patients suggest that you take coconut oil to reduce fiber. But coconut has no effect on body weight. No studies have examined how coconut milk affects weight and metabolism. Further investigation is required before any claims are made.

Effects on Cholesterol and Heart :
     Health Since coconut milk is high in saturated fat, people may ask if it is a good choice for the heart.Recent research examines coconut milk. normal or high cholesterol. An eight-week study of 60 men found that coconut milk lowered “bad” LDL cholesterol more than soy milk.
     Coconut milk increased “good” HDL cholesterol by 18%, compared to only 3% for soybean. Most studies of coconut oil or flakes have shown an increase in "bad" LDL cholesterol, "good" HDL cholesterol and / or triglyceride. Although studies have shown that LDL cholesterol is high in coconut milk, HDL is also high. Triglycerides are degraded compared to other fats.
     Lauric acid, a major fatty acid found in coconut, can increase “bad” LDL cholesterol by reducing the activity of LDL receptors in your blood. Two population studies suggest that cholesterol and lauric acid responses may vary between individuals. It may also depend on your diet. In studies with healthy women, to replace 14% of monounsaturated fats with lauric acid increased "bad" LDL cholesterol by about 16%, while replacing 4% of these fats with lauric acid.

Reduce Inflammation:
     Animal studies have shown that extracting coconut and coconut oil reduces inflammation and inflammation in mice and injured mice.

Stomach Ulcer Reduction :
     In one study, coconut milk reduced stomach ulcers by a staggering by 54% - a result comparable to that of an anti-ulcer drug.

Fighting Virus and Bacteria :

     Tuberculosis studies show that lauric acid can reduce the levels of viruses and pathogens. This includes those who live in your mouth.

Coconut Oil :

Nutrition :

1 table spoon contain :

  • Calories : 121
  • Protein : 0 grams
  • Fat : 13.5 g
  • Saturated fat : 11.2 g
  • Carbohydrates : 0g
  • Fiber : 0 g
  • Sugar : 0 g

Benefits :

Contains Good Fatty Acid :
     Coconut oil is high in some fats. These fats have different effects on the body compared to many other dietary fats. Fatty acids in coconut oil can encourage your body to burn fat, and they provide energy to your body and brain faster. They also lower your blood cholesterol (HDL) levels, which can help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.
     Many dietary fats are linked as long-chain triglycerides (LCT), while coconut oil contains high-density triglycerides (MCTs), which are short strands of saturated fat. When you take MCTs, they attach to your liver. Your body uses them as a fast source of energy or converts them into ketones. Ketones can be of great benefit to you.

Can improve heart health :

     Coconut is a rare food in western countries, as well as health professionals who eat it. However, in some parts of the world, coconut oil - also known as coconut oil - has been a staple of our generation. For example, a 1981 survey reported that the people of Tokelau, several islands in the South Pacific, received more than 60% of calories from coconut.
     Researchers say that not only general health, but also the incidence of heart disease. Kitavan people in Papua New Guinea also eat a lot of coconut, including tubers, fruits and fish, and have few strokes or heart attacks.

Can promote fat burning :

     Obesity is one of the most serious health problems affecting the Western world today. While some people think that obesity is about the number of calories consumed, the source of those calories is also important. Different foods affect your body and your hormones in different ways. The combination of MCTs with coconut oil can increase the number of calories your body burns compared to long-term fat burners.

     One study found that 15 to 30 MCTs per day increased more than 24 hours. Respiratory rate of 5%. However, these studies did not investigate the effects of coconut oil. They looked at the health benefits of MCT, excluding lauric acid, which contains only 14% of coconut oil. There is no strong evidence that eating coconut oil on its own will increase the number of calories you burn. Keep in mind that coconut oil is high in calories and can have great benefits if consumed in large quantities.


May have antimicrobial effects :
     Lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fat content in coconut oil. When your body produces lauric acid, it makes a substance called monolaurin. Lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful bacteria, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. For example, tube tests show that these substances help kill bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which causes staph disease, and Candida albicans, the source of infectious yeast in humans.
     There is also some evidence that the use of coconut oil as a soap - a process called oil extraction - is beneficial for oral hygiene, although researchers take weak evidence. There is no evidence that coconut oil reduces the chances of cold or other internal diseases.

Can reduce appetite :
     The interesting part of MCTs is that they can reduce appetite. It can be one of the reasons why your body adds fat as ketones can reduce appetite. In one study, six healthy men consumed several MCTs and LCTs. . People who ate several MCTs consumed fewer calories each day. Another study of 14 healthy men reported that those who ate several MCTs for breakfast ate fewer calories for lunch.
     These studies are short and have a short duration. If this effect persists for a long time, it can lead to weight loss over the years. Although coconut oil is one of the best available MCTs, there is no evidence that eating coconut oil reduces appetite more than other oils. In fact, one study reports that coconut oil is less nutritious than MCT oil.

Can Reduce Depression :
     Researchers are studying a ketogenic diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, to treat a variety of problems. The most popular treatment method of this method is for drug-resistant leaf therapy in children. The diet reduces the rate of seizures in children with epilepsy, even those who have not been successful with many types of medication.
     Researchers do not know why. Decreased carbohydrate intake and fat accumulation lead to dramatic increases in the levels of ketones in the blood. Since MCT is transferred to coconut oil in your liver and converted into ketones, health professionals recognize MCTs and generous carbohydrate intake to trigger ketosis and help treat epilepsy.

Can Boost (Good) HDL Cholesterol :
     Coconut oil is high in saturated fats which makes your HDL cholesterol higher. They can also help convert LDL (bad) cholesterol into a less harmful substance. By increasing HDL, many experts believe that coconut oil can improve heart health compared to many other fats.
     In a study of 40 women, coconut oil decreased total LDL (bad) cholesterol as it increased HDL, compared to soybean oil. Another study of 116 adults found that following a diet that included coconut oil increased HDL (good) cholesterol levels in people with coronary heart disease.

Can protect your skin, hair and teeth :
     Coconut oil has many unrelated uses. Many people use it for cosmetics to improve the health and appearance of their skin and hair. Studies show that coconut oil can improve the water content of dry skin and reduce the symptoms of eczema. Coconut oil can also protect against hair damage.

     Studies show that it can act as a weak sunscreen, blocking about 20% of ultraviolet (UV) rays. Oil extraction, which involves injecting coconut oil into the mouth as a mouthwash, can kill some harmful bacteria in the mouth. It can improve dental health and reduce headaches, although further research is needed.

Can Promote Brain Function in Alzheimer's Disease :
     Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia. It is especially common in the elderly. This condition reduces your brain's ability to use glucose for energy. Researchers suggest that ketones may provide additional energy for dysfunctional brain cells to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The authors of 2006 reported that MCTs improved brain function in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. But research is still in its infancy and there is no evidence that coconut oil itself fights this disease.

Can help reduce harmful fats :
     Just as some fatty acids and coconut oil can reduce appetite and burn fat, it can also help you lose weight. Abdominal fat, or visceral fat, enters the abdominal cavity and around your sides. MCTs seem to be more effective in reducing belly fat compared to LCTs. Fat, the most harmful form, is associated with many chronic diseases. Birth control in 40 overweight women of the year, taking two tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil daily has a significant reduction in blood pressure. Obese people reported a significant decrease of 1.86 cm after taking 2 tablespoons of aconate oil daily (30 ml).
     Coconut oil is usually high in calories, so use it slowly. Replacing some of your cooking fats with coconut oil may have little benefit in weight loss, but the evidence is inconsistent.