Description :

     The cloudberry is delicious, and fruit production by a female plant requires pollination from a male plant.

     The cloudberry grows to 10–25 cm (4–10 in) high. The leaves alternate between having 5 and 7 soft, handlike lobes on straight, branchless stalks. After pollination, the white (sometimes reddish-tipped) flowers form raspberry-sized aggregate fruits which are more plentiful in wooded rather than sun-exposed habitats. Consisting of between 5 and 25 drupelets, each fruit is initially pale red, ripening into an amber color in early autumn.

Ecology :

     Cloudberries are a circumpolar boreal plant, happening normally all through the Northern Hemisphere from 78°N, south to about 55°N, and are dispersed south to 44°N basically in bumpy regions and moorlands. In Europe, they fill in the Nordic nations yet are uncommon in the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). They happen across northern Russia east towards the Pacific Ocean as far south as Japan. Due to peatland waste and peat abuse, they are considered jeopardized and are under lawful insurance in Germany's Weser and Elbe valleys, and at confined destinations in the English Pennines and Scottish Highlands. A solitary, delicate site exists in the Sperrin Mountains of Northern Ireland. 

     In North America, cloudberries develop wild across Greenland, the greater part of northern Canada, Alaska, northern Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, and New York. 

     Wide appropriation happens because of the discharge of the toxic seeds by birds and warm blooded animals. Further circulation emerges through its rhizomes, which are up to 10 m (33 ft) long and develop around 10–15 cm (4–6 in) beneath the dirt surface, creating broad and thick berry patches. Cuttings of these taken in May or August are fruitful in delivering a hereditary clone of the parent plant. The cloudberry fills in lowlands, swamps, wet glades, tundra and elevations of 1,400 meters (4,600 ft) above ocean level in Norway, requiring acidic ground (somewhere in the range of 3.5 and 5 pH).

Nutrition :

Nutrion Per 100 Grams :

  • Calories 51 kcal
  • Carbohydrate 8.60 g
  • Fiber 1.0 g
  • Sugars 7.30 g
  • Fat 0.80 g
  • Saturated Fat 0.07 g
  • Monounsaturated Fat 0.06 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat 0.51 g
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids 0.24 g
  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids 0.28 g
  • Protein 2.40 g

Vitamin & Minerals Per 100 Gram :

  • Vitamin C : 158 mg
  • Vitamin K1 : 8.60 mcg
  • Vitamin E1 : 61 mg
  • Niacin (B3) : 0.90 mg
  • Folate : 17 mcg
  • Riboflavin (B2) : 0.07 mg
  • Pyridoxine (B6) : 0.08 mg
  • Thiamin (B1) : 0.05 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid (B5) : 0.17 mg
  • Choline : 7.60 mg
  • Vitamin A : 10.5 mcg
  • Manganese : 0.51 mg
  • Magnesium : 41.0 mg
  • Potassium : 231.0 mg
  • Zinc : 0.70 mg 
  • Iron : 0.70 mg
  • Phosphorus : 35.0 mg
  • Copper : 0.05 mg
  • Calcium : 18.0 mg
  • Selenium : 0.40 mcg
  • Sodium : 0.60 mg 

Benefits :

Rich Source Of Vitamin C : 

  • Cloudberries are a rich wellspring of vitamin C, offering 158 mg—or 263% DV—per 100 grams. 
  • Vitamin C is a fundamental vitamin that has invulnerable boosting just as cancer prevention agent properties. 
  • Strangely, cloudberries are in the set of experiences books for their high vitamin C focus. 
  • Two authentic Latin writings from the sixteenth and seventeenth century talked about the scurvy-counteraction properties of cloudberries. 
  • As a feature of the data in these writings, it was uncovered that King Christian IV of Denmark imported cloudberries—both the berries and plants—from Norway for the treatment of scurvy. 
  • Cloudberries are probably the best wellspring of vitamin C among all natural product.

Good Source Of Magnesium :

  • Cloudberries offer a moderate measure of magnesium, which is a fundamental mineral that can now and then be elusive in food. 
  • Per 100 grams, the berries offer 41 mg of magnesium, which is equivalent to 10% of the mineral's day by day esteem. 
  • Magnesium has various significant capacities in the human body as it is a cofactor for in excess of 300 enzymatic responses. 
  • Subsequently, an adequate admission of the mineral is imperative for keeping up great wellbeing. 
  • Notwithstanding this, research shows that most of Americans have a deficient magnesium admission.

Strenghthen Immune System : 

     Cloudberries have high substance of Vitamin An and C which is useful for keeping up solid insusceptible framework. Vitamin C advances the white platelets creation that goes about as cancer prevention agent which assists with killing free revolutionaries in the body. The carotenoids found in Vitamin A have cell reinforcement properties that shield the eyes and skin wellbeing from maturing and separating. 

Promotes Circulation : 

     The berries are stacked with iron just as different minerals. Iron is crucial for the flow that assumes an indispensable part in the creation of red platelets. The adequate presence of iron brings down the odds of sickliness. 

Prevent Heart Issues : 

     Cloudberries contain omega-6 and omega-3 unsaturated fats that help to adjust the cholesterol level and furthermore bringing down the strain on cardiovascular framework. 

Dispose of poisons : 

     Cloudberries go about as a diuretic that assists with animating pee by wiping out destructive poisons and disposal of abundance salts, water and fat. This brings down the tension on kidneys and liver. 

Good Antioxidant : 

     This organic product have carotenoids and phytosterols that brings down the odds of malignancy, brings down appearance of wrinkles, hinders maturing measure and furthermore hinders the odds of persistent diseases. It have antiviral and cancer prevention agent properties that makes it a vital organic product.

Supports Digestion : 

     The presence of dietary fiber in these little berries upholds stomach related wellbeing. It invigorates peristaltic movement that brings down the odds of squeezing, swelling, clogging and other difficult issues like disease and gastric ulcers. Dietary fiber aid the guideline of insulin receptors in the human body which guarantee the arrival of sugar in the circulation system. This aid the administration of Type 2 diabetes. 


Bone Ailments : 

     Cloudberries have magnesium in it which advances the take-up of calcium by the body that aid the anticipation of osteoporosis.

Other Uses :

  • Leaves are utilized for the readiness of home grown tea. 
  • In Scandinavian home grown medication, it is utilized to the treatment of urinary parcel diseases. 
  • The organic products are accepted to treat hypo-vitaminosis C. 
  • Because of rich substance of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, it assists with keeping up resistant framework as it advances white platelets. 
  • It neutralizes free extremists in the body. 
  • It hinders maturing and forestalls the breakdown of eyes and skin. 
  • It advances the flow of blood just as red platelets creation. 
  • It advances pee with the end of poisons. 
  • It aid easing of squeezing, blockage, swelling and stomach related conditions, for example, gastric. 
  • The root decoction is utilized by infertile ladies to get pregnant. 
  • Roots are likewise utilized for treating fevers and hacks. 
  • It is utilized for the anticipation of osteoporosis.Leaves are utilized for the planning of natural tea. 

  • In Scandinavian home grown medication, it is utilized to the treatment of urinary plot contaminations. 
  • The organic products are accepted to treat hypo-vitaminosis C. 
  • Because of rich substance of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, it assists with keeping up invulnerable framework as it advances white platelets. 
  • It neutralizes free extremists in the body. 
  • It hinders maturing and forestalls the breakdown of eyes and skin. 
  • It advances the course of blood just as red platelets creation. 
  • It advances pee with the disposal of poisons. 
  • It aid easing of squeezing, blockage, swelling and stomach related conditions, for example, gastric. 
  • The root decoction is utilized by infertile ladies to get pregnant. 
  • Roots are likewise utilized for treating fevers and hacks. 
  • It is utilized for the counteraction of osteoporosis.