Description :

     The cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) is a tropical evergreen tree that creates the cashew seed and the cashew apple pseudofruit. The tree can develop as high as 14 m (46 ft), however the bantam cultivars, growing up to 6 m (20 ft), demonstrate more productive, with prior development and more prominent yields. 

     The cashew seed is regularly viewed as a tidbit nut (cashew nut) eaten all alone, utilized in plans, or prepared into cashew cheddar or cashew spread. Like the tree, the nut is frequently just called cashew. Cashew sensitivities are set off by the proteins found in tree nuts, and cooking regularly doesn't eliminate or change these proteins. 

     In 2019, 4,000,000 tons of cashew nuts were delivered all around the world, with Ivory Coast and India as the main makers. Just as the nut and organic product, the plant has a few different employments. The shell of the cashew seed yields subordinates that can be utilized in numerous applications including greases, waterproofing, paints, and, beginning in World War II, arms creation. The cashew apple is a light rosy to yellow organic product, whose mash can be prepared into a sweet, astringent natural product drink or matured and refined into alcohol.

Production :

In 2019, worldwide creation of cashew nuts (as the piece) was 3,960,680 tons, driven by Ivory Coast and India with a consolidated 39% of the world aggregate (table). Burundi, Vietnam, Tanzania, the Philippines, and Benin likewise had critical creation of crude cashew nut. Vietnam is striking as the biggest processor of cashew around the world.

Nutrition :

     Raw cashews are 5% water, 30% carbohydrates, 44% fat, and 18% protein. In a 100 gram reference amount, raw cashews provide 553 Calories, 67% of the Daily Value (DV) in total fats, 36% DV of protein, 13% DV of dietary fiber and 11% DV of carbohydrates. Cashews are rich sources (20% or more of the DV) of dietary minerals, including particularly copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium (79-110% DV), and of thiamin, vitamin B6 and vitamin K (32-37% DV) (table). Iron, potassium, zinc, and selenium are present in significant content (14-61% DV). Cashews (100 grams, raw) contain 113 milligrams (1.74 gr) of beta-sitosterol.

     Cashews are a great wellspring of sound fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated assortments. These nuts are likewise an unobtrusive wellspring of protein. Therefore, they are regularly vigorously highlighted in the eating regimens of veggie lovers and vegetarians. 

Cashews are additionally a fantastic wellspring of: 

  • Magnesium 
  • Manganese 
  • Phosphorus 
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6 
  • Vitamin K

A one-ounce serving of cashews contains: 

  • Calories: 165 
  • Protein: Less than 1 gram 
  • Fat: 14 grams 
  • Carbs: 9 grams 
  • Fiber: Less than 1 gram 
  • Sugar: 1 gram

Benefits :

     Rich in protein, sound fats, and cell reinforcements, for example, polyphenols, cashews offer an assortment of essential medical advantages. 

Diabetes Prevention or Management : 

Cashews are low in starches, particularly when contrasted with other regular bites. This restricts their effect on glucose, making them an extraordinary choice for those with type 2 diabetes, just as those hoping to forestall the condition.

Stroke Prevention :

The magnesium in cashews may assist with diminishing the danger of stroke. This connection is generally remarkable for hemorrhagic strokes, which result from a debilitated vessel that spills blood into mind tissue after breaking.

Decreased Cholesterol :

Cashews have recently gotten unfavorable criticism for including immersed fat, however this may not be pretty much as risky as the soaked name recommends. A large part of the fat in cashews comes from stearic acids, which specialists accept impartially affects blood cholesterol. Exploration proposes that individuals who eat a little serving of cashews consistently see a minor decrease in LDL "awful" cholesterol. 

Coronary illness Prevention :

As well as bringing down paces of LDL cholesterol, cashews may assist with forestalling coronary illness because of their high magnesium content. Appropriate magnesium admission may decrease the danger of ischemic coronary illness, which frequently happens when the heart doesn't get sufficient blood.

Best Way To Eat Cashew :

     Here are a couple of helpful approaches to remember cashews for your number one dinners and tidbits :

  • Join cashews with dried organic product, chocolate chips, and different nuts to make a path blend. 
  • Prepare cashews with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and a trace of olive oil for a sound and fulfilling salad. 
  • Add to a wrap highlighting cubed chicken, mustard, and mayonnaise. 

  • Consolidate with coconut, maple syrup, and moved oats. Blend these fixings prior to preparing to shape granola. 
  • Sprinkle salted cashews on top of simmered green beans. 
  • Appreciate with yogurt, granola, and organic product in a delectable parfait. 
  • Plan with rice, soy sauce, chicken, and red pepper pieces in a lethargic cooker. 
  • Throw with lo mein noodles covered in shellfish sauce and soy sauce.