Description :

     The banana plant is a monstrous spice that springs from an underground stem, or rhizome, to frame a bogus trunk 3–6 meters (10–20 feet) high. This trunk is made out of the basal bits of leaf sheaths and is delegated with a rosette of 10 to 20 oval to elliptic leaves that occasionally accomplish a length of 3–3.5 meters (10–11.5 feet) and a broadness of 65 cm (26 inches). An enormous blossom spike, conveying various yellowish blossoms ensured by huge purple-red bracts, arises at the highest point of the bogus trunk and curves descending to become lots of 50 to 150 individual natural products, or fingers. The individual organic products, or bananas, are gathered in bunches, or hands, of 10 to 20. After a plant has fruited, it is chopped to the cold earth, on the grounds that every trunk creates just one bundle of organic product. The dead trunk is supplanted by others as suckers, or shoots, which emerge from the rhizome at approximately half year stretches. The existence of a solitary rhizome accordingly proceeds for a long time, and the more vulnerable suckers that it sends up through the dirt are intermittently pruned, while the more grounded ones are permitted to develop into organic product delivering plants.

Cultivation :

     Banana plants flourish normally on profound, free, very much depleted soils in damp heat and humidities, and they are developed effectively under water system in such semiarid locales as southern Jamaica. Suckers and divisions of the rhizome are utilized as planting material; the main yield matures inside 10 to 15 months, and from there on organic product creation is pretty much consistent. Successive pruning is needed to eliminate surplus development and forestall jamming in a banana manor. Alluring business lots of bananas comprise of nine hands or more and gauge 22–65 kg (49–143 pounds). At least 300 such packs might be delivered every year on one section of land of land and are reaped before they completely mature on the plant. For trade, the ideal level of development achieved before collect relies on separation from market and kind of transportation, and aging is oftentimes instigated falsely after shipment by openness to ethylene gas.

     Given that every banana assortment is proliferated clonally, there is almost no hereditary variety in the trained plants. This makes bananas particularly powerless against irritations and infections, as a novel microbe or bug could rapidly pulverize an assortment if it somehow managed to misuse a hereditary shortcoming among the clones. To be sure, this very marvel happened in the last part of the 1950s with the Gros Michel dessert assortment, which had overwhelmed the world's business banana business. More extravagant and better than the cutting edge Cavendish, the Gros Michel succumbed to an attacking soil growth that causes Panama infection, a type of Fusarium wither. Feeble to raise opposition into the sterile clones and incapable to free the dirt of the growth, ranchers were before long compelled to relinquish the Gros Michel for the hardier Cavendish. Albeit the Cavendish has so far been impervious to a particularly pestilent attack, its absence of hereditary variety leaves it similarly powerless against developing microorganisms and bugs. In fact, a strain of Panama illness known as Tropical Race (TR) 4 has been a danger to the Cavendish since the 1990s, and numerous researchers stress that the Cavendish also will in the long run go terminated.

Nutrition :

  • Calories: 105
  • Carbs: 27grams
  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 33% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 11% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 8% of the RDI
  • Copper: 10% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 14% of the RDI
  • Net carbs: 24 grams
  • Fiber: 3.1 grams
  • Protein: 1.3 grams
  • Fat: 0.4 grams


  • Heart Health-

     Bananas are useful for your heart. They are loaded with potassium, a mineral electrolyte that keeps power streaming all through your body, which is needed to keep your heart thumping. Bananas' high potassium and low sodium substance may likewise help ensure your cardiovascular framework against hypertension. 

     A 2017 creature study directed by specialists at the University of Alabama tracked down that the potassium in bananas is additionally connected to blood vessel viability; the more potassium you have, the more uncertain your conduits are to solidify. In the examination, mice with lower-potassium diet had more earnestly courses than mice burning-through an ordinary measure of potassium. Blood vessel firmness in people is connected to coronary illness.

  • Sorrow and mind-set :

     Bananas can be useful in defeating sadness "because of significant degrees of tryptophan, which the body converts to serotonin, the temperament raising mind synapse," Flores said. Additionally, nutrient B6 can help you rest soundly, and magnesium assists with loosening up muscles. Also, the tryptophan in bananas is notable for its rest inciting properties. 

  • Assimilation and weight reduction :

     Bananas are high in fiber, which can help keep you standard. One banana can give almost 10% of your day by day fiber prerequisite. Nutrient B6 can likewise help secure against Type 2 diabetes and help in weight reduction, as indicated by Flores. When all is said in done, bananas are an incredible weight reduction food since they taste sweet and are filling, which helps check yearnings. 

     Bananas are especially high in safe starch, a type of dietary fiber wherein analysts have as of late become intrigued. A 2017 survey distributed in Nutrition Bulletin tracked down that the safe starch in bananas may uphold gut wellbeing and control glucose. Safe starch expands the creation of short chain unsaturated fats in the gut, which are important to gut wellbeing. 

  • Exercise :

     For renewing energy and electrolytes, bananas can be more powerful than sports drinks. A recent report distributed in PLOS One took a gander at male competitors contending in significant distance cycling races. They contrasted competitors refueling and Gatorade like clockwork to competitors refueling with a banana and water. Specialists saw that the competitors' exhibition times and body physiology were something similar in the two cases. However, the banana's serotonin and dopamine improved the competitors' cancer prevention agent limit and assisted with oxidative pressure, improving execution generally speaking. 

  • Vision :

     Carrots may get all the greatness for aiding your eyes, however bananas do their offer also. The organic products contain a little however huge measure of nutrient A, which is fundamental for securing your eyes, keeping up ordinary vision and improving vision around evening time, as per the National Institutes of Health. Nutrient A contains intensifies that protect the layers around your eyes and are a component in the proteins that carry light to your corneas. Like different organic products, bananas can help forestall macular degeneration, a serious condition, which obscures focal vision. 

  • Bones :

     Bananas may not be spilling over with calcium, however they are as yet accommodating in keeping bones solid. As per a 2009 article in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, bananas contain a plenitude of fructooligosaccharides. These are nondigestive sugars that empower stomach related well disposed probiotics and improve the body's capacity to retain calcium. 

  • Disease :

     Some proof recommends that moderate utilization of bananas might be defensive against kidney malignant growth. A 2005 Swedish investigation found that ladies who ate in excess of 75 servings of leafy foods cut their danger of kidney disease by 40%, and that bananas were particularly powerful. Ladies eating four to six bananas seven days divided their danger of creating kidney malignant growth. 

Bananas might be useful in forestalling kidney malignancy in view of their undeniable degrees of cell reinforcement phenolic compounds. 

  • Pregnancy :

     While not by and large a medical advantage, an examination distributed by The Royal Society tracked down that the potassium in bananas is associated with ladies bringing forth child young men. The examination took a gander at 740 ladies and saw that the individuals who devoured significant degrees of potassium before origination were bound to have a kid that the individuals who didn't. 

Bananas may likewise help forestall gestational diabetes. Absence of rest during pregnancy can add to gestational diabetes, as per a meta-investigation distributed in Sleep Medicine Reviews. However, the magnesium and tryptophan in bananas can help guarantee a decent night's rest.


  • Bananas may have been the world's initially developed natural product. Archeologists have discovered proof of banana development in New Guinea as far back as 8000 B.C. 
  • The banana plant is delegated an arborescent (tree-like) perpetual spice, and the actual banana is viewed as a berry. A lot of bananas is known as a hand; a solitary banana is a finger. 1
  • There are just about 1,000 assortments of bananas, as indicated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Virtually every one of the bananas sold in stores are cloned from only one assortment, the Cavendish banana plant, initially local to Southeast Asia. The Cavendish supplanted the Gros Michel after that assortment was cleared out by organism during the 1950s. The Gros Michel apparently was greater, had a more drawn out timeframe of realistic usability and tasted better. The Cavendish are impervious to the organism that murdered off the Gros Michel, however they are vulnerable to another growth and may confront similar destiny inside the following 20 years, botanists say. 

  • Organically, there is no contrast among plantains and bananas. In any case, in everyday use, "banana" alludes to the better type of the organic product, which is frequently eaten uncooked, while "plantain" alludes to a starchier natural product that is regularly cooked prior to eating. 
  • Ecuador is the main maker of bananas around the world, trailed by the Philippines. Bananas are delivered in other tropical and subtropical spaces of Asia, Africa, and the Americas, just as the Canary Islands and Australia. 
  • Wild bananas develop all through Southeast Asia, yet most are unappetizing for people, as they are studded with hard seeds. 
  • In 1923, sheet music for a mainstream melody named "Indeed, We Have No Bananas!" sold vertical of 1,000 duplicates per day.